Faustian Innova

Guardian against the Void

Faustian left her home in the Golmore jungle behind in a rejection of their isolation. She believed that in the greater world, she could truly help those who were unable to help themselves. She trained hard, gaining access first as a Sultan Sworn paladin. Since she has served as a bodyguard for delegates, a hired mercenary, and a soldier to military companies.

Only recently has she stopped following, instead choosing to gather a motley assortment of those with a genuinely good heart in an effort to truly affect change in the lands she has come to call home.

Faustian Innova

Character Information

Name: Rhjn of the Village Heilagur
(AKA Faustian Innova)
Race: Rava Viera
Age: 37 turns
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Guardian: Halone, The Fury
Hair: White (Artificially Dyed Black)
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Soulstones: Paladin, Archer, TBD
Profession: Company Administrator
Alignment: Lawful Good
Base Stats: Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 13, Chr 14

Faustian Innova

Faustian Innova

Faustian Innova

Faustian Innova

Faustian Innova

Young Rhjn watched curiously as the man approached. She had never seen anything like him in the forest, clad heavily in metal and clanking as he walked cautiously towards her. She had done her best to hide, but it was pretty obvious that had seen her.

"Hello there."

She froze as she watched him. Fear quickly replaced curiosity. She was supposed to be safe here in the forest, but an outsider so deep in Viera territory could only mean trouble.

She backed away, withdrawing from the brush she had attempted to hide in. She thought to dart, but she knew with her size that he would likely be able to overtake her in a chase.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you." he said as he smiled at her.

She calmed some at the sound of his voice. He didn't sound like a threat. She watched as he held out a gauntleted hand in her direction. His armor glistened in the light that filtered down through the treetops. She became enthralled by the bright colors and designs that were painted on the plates. Slowly, carefully, she took a step forward, anxious to learn more.

Suddenly, that moment came to an abrupt end.

Time seemed to slow down as she watched the man lurch to the side and hit the ground hard. Where he stood was now a crouched male Viera, teeth bared and ready to fight. The man rolled to his feet, sword in hand, shield sliding off his back and into his other.

"NO" Rhjn cried out, but she was helpless to stop what was happening.

The man looked over at her, dropping his guard at the sound of her voice. Perhaps he had assumed that she was stopping the fight, perhaps he was taken off guard by the sound of her voice. Either way the mistake was a fatal one.

The male Viera was inside his defenses in a flash, ducking under his shield, and pressing his body against the armored mans chest. From the gap between them, a blade shot up and caught the armored man in the chin, pressing backwards into his throat. Tears welled up in Rhjn's eyes as blood poured from the man's throat and mouth.

As the armored man collapsed, the male Viera glanced back at Rhjn threateningly. Rhjn knew he wouldn't hurt her, but she kept her distance as he quickly stripped the still dying armored man of his supplies. Rhjn sank to her knees as she watched.

Then the male Viera was gone, leaving as suddenly as he had arrived. Rhjn crawled slowly towards the dying man, reaching out and taking his hand as she approached. He grasped her hand firmly, but briefly as they locked eyes. She sobbed and she felt his grip loosen and watched his eyes close.

She wasn't sure how long she had stayed at his side that day, but eventually she knew her sisters would come looking for her. As she stood up to walk away, her hand rested on the armored mans shield, where it had fallen and come to rest behind her. She picked it up, running her fingers over the engraving on its edge. She didn't fully understand the words, but she could tell it was commemorating some great dead. Towards the bottom she ran her fingers over his name slowly.

"Faustian" she whispered.